My name is Francesco Amadori. I was born on the 26th November 1997, in Borgosesia (VC) Italy.
When I was in the scientific lyceum (in the Applied Science branch), I began to like Computer Science subjects, so I decided to enroll at University in this specific field.
I graduated after three years in the Computer Science and Engineering course offered by the University of Bologna. During my last year of this course, I started working in the automation sector, in a company named DenkenItalia. I learned a lot about PLC and robotic arms but I understood that this type of job was not the right path for me, although It was a beautiful place with great people. 
Since I was a child, my interests and hobbies have concerned astronomy and paleontology but, unfortunately, I set it aside to follow the IT studies. When I left the DenkenItalia company (in March 2020), I began to search for a job in the astronomy field that required IT competencies, so I won a fellowship at INAF–OATo in May 2020.
This fellowship concerns two ESA missions: PROBA–3 and SOLAR ORBITER. For PROBA–3, I have developed a simulator in MATLAB that simulates all the possible configurations for the two spacecraft involved in this mission, to test the alignment algorithm. For SOLAR ORBITER, I have developed software in python that converts all IOR and PDOR files TCL files for the SIIS. 
I have also decided to enroll in the Astronomy course offered by the University of Bologna, which is a bachelor’s degree. I have started it in September 2020, hoping to continue these studies through a master and then with a Ph.D. During these studies, I started a collaboration with Dr. Marulli Federico (who is a professor of the University of Bologna) for the project called CosmoBolognaLib, and Dr. Giocoli Carlo (who works at the INAF of Bologna) for the project called MOKA.
In July 2021 I won another fellowship at INAF–OATo to continue to work on the same projects plus another called CORMAG, where my job was related to the development of SW to manage the pointing and thermal systems.
During this fellowship, I also started a collaboration with the Exoplanet group present at the observatory. I started collaborating on some projects related to the structure and composition of exoplanets.
My first contribution is related to the classification of Exoplanets in a mass-diagram plot, based on the work of Dr. Zeng Li (paper here). The second interesting project concerns the translation of an IDL code in python. This code needed a translation because there was the necessity of parallelization of some functions not possible in IDL. This SW concerns the creation of Atmosphere models based on molecule composition retrieved during the observation of the exoplanet.  You can see more information about my studies on this page.